September is my New Year

artsy collection of coffee cup, mini pumpkin and leaves on a fuzzy blanket

I. Love. September. Not so much because of sweaters and flavored coffee. Those are nice, but I love that September is the ‘other’ new year, when real schedules resume and projects get started. (Also, apple pie.)

In just the last week I’ve had 2 new clients schedule and one long-lost client (gone 7 years!) jump back on my schedule. Not too shabby for my tiny little massage business.

I’ve got a few missions set for my businesses (missions sounds more fun than ‘goals’), so I’m trying to be super focused and effective in the blocks of time I have available to work, then walk away from my computer and be fully present for the other parts of my life.

It’s hard. I really like to work and I get antsy when I’ve got a cool idea in my head but the dog needs more attention or laundry needs to be rotated. But it’s all a constantly evolving process, right?

Drop me a note and tell me what you're working on!

Happy Fall, Y'all.